Stylised Dining for Your Most Formal Occasions at Hog Roast Fivehead

Hog Roast SomersetEveryone loves to get nice and suited and booted, glitzed and glammed up for an extra special event from time to time, and we at Hog Roast Fivehead are no different. Part of being event caterer means coming out to some very high-class events to put on a formal dining show, and our chefs and serving team always take it well in stride. Weddings would of course be the most obvious example of this, but sometimes the job calls for dining at formal charity balls, galas and the like as well where our dining is called upon to really put on a show. These events require a lot of demand, professionalism, and the utmost in presentation and service, but the Hog Roast Fivehead team is more than capable.

It may look from the outside that our more rustic style of dining with our hog roast may not always be a good fit for more formal events – the hog roast can feel like one for a more traditional, and perhaps more slightly laid back, outdoor event – but our penchant for roast dining is in fact perfect for the high-end occasions. Roast dining can almost feel like a given when it comes to high end dinners, so the Hog Roast Fivehead team fits in perfectly with the black-tie affairs. It may mean that we are not parading the actual hog roast as we might at other events, but our chefs are still there working hard on the most delicious and tender roasts, finely slicing them to perfection too to then be plated up for an incredible set course meal. Rather than the presentation being all about the whole roasted pig, all of the presentation instead goes onto the plate where our servers provide the extra style with our training in silver service dining.

Hog Roast SomersetOur canape services also go great with formal events. A charity ball or gala is made all the better by a Hog Roast Fivehead team coming around with delicious silver platters of small canapes and champagne flutes. It is well worth adding to your formal event, even if you’re not planning to have an actual dining portion to the event.