Surprise Hog Roast Wiveliscombe!

Our team was up bright and early this morning and heading out to cater for a surprise 30th birthday party. The van loaded with our high tech machinery and the finest food kept at the perfect temperature ready to do what we do best and put on a show! Upon arrival we were shown to the most amazing huge back garden to set up our machines the scenery was so wonderful and the weather was just perfect!

We are very professional in what we do and spoke to the host explaining how we create a hog roast Wiveliscombe and trying to calm her nerves as her husband was in the dark about his surprise party. Soon we had the meat cooking and the air was filled with the most amazing aroma! Tables set and our team looking immaculate as they set to work placing the buns, coleslaw and salads around the tables.

The garden was soon filled with guests and very interested guests all curious and in awe of our pig cooking slowly in the machine some even taking photos and we were quite a focal point with many guests asking us questions. We also leave flyers at our events as most of our work comes from guests who them selves attended one of our events in the past. Sun shining and guests in high spirits as the birthday boy arrives in deep shock to the cheers and applause of his guests! He headed straight over to us and said he couldn’t wait to try the Pork and crackling and looked very impressed as he watched our super carver sharpen his knives and carve the meat to perfection! And as promised he was the first to taste and was speechless!

We plated the meats and guests helped them selves to making their own sandwiches and serving the salads filled with the freshest of ingredients all locally produced from our first class contacts. The buns we use are baked fresh each day and we pride our selves in the meat we use and only select the very best the machines that just make ease of the work and basically they do all the hard work for you. After everyone had eaten we had such satisfaction seeing clean plates knowing we had done a good job! We left the premises spick and span with lots of potential customers as we said our goodbyes we felt such satisfaction as we left and if the customer is happy then we are more than happy! And we are no sooner in the van and our phone is bleeping with more enquires not many can say they enjoy their job however we all say we do and there is nothing better than being in a job you love! All in all a successful hog roast in Wiveliscombe.