Hog Roast Bridgwater were recently contacted by Oscar. Having made a New Year’s resolution to eat better and try to get into cooking he wanted to enquire about hiring one of our machines to try his hand at cooking a Hog Roast Bridgwater.
Many people are unaware that in addition to providing a catering service we also hire and sell all of our catering machines to the public. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy a Hog Roast Bridgwater and why not experience the satisfaction of cooking your own by hiring our equipment?

As a first-time hog roaster, we had recommended the Hogmaster. This classic machine has been our go to staple at Hog Roast Bridgwater for over a decade and is capable of cooking a pig for up to one hundred people. Oscar thought the Hogmaster sounded perfect and agreed to hire it provisionally for one week and then he would get in touch depending on how he had found it, although we had a feeling this was going to be his new favourite hobby!
As usual we invited Oscar to visit our factory for a quick induction and lesson in the art of hog roasting from the people who do it day in and day out and can call themselves experts. We showed him how to get the machine set up, including how best to manoeuvre it and to clean it afterwards. We also gave him a supply of gas for the week and put him in touch with our local meat supplier so that he could make the most out of his week with the Hogmaster.
All set and with all the information he would need, Oscar was ready to collect his machine for the week. We can’t wait to see what you cook up Oscar!